A Place to learn about Gandhi, his life, work & philosophy. This comprehensive site is regularly updated & maintained by non-profit Gandhian Organizations in India & has a wealth of information & ...
I was eight years old when Gandhiji left South Africa. I could not understand then the intricacies of politics or the meaning of the struggle which for two decades he had to wage against the ...
While Britain and its revolution created the economics of wealth (Adam Smith, 1977), the economics of poverty of Gandhi was the product of colonial rule which developed long after it. In Britain newly ...
(Arya Bhushan Bhardwaj's article discusses the Advantages & Disadvantages of the capitalist & communist political systems, the formation of the World Trade Organization & lists suggestions for peace & ...
THE THEORY OF trusteeship as proposed by Gandhi is non-violent in character while retaining the freedom of occupation, consumption and production and thus ensures the right of development of ...
The library of the Foundation houses a rich, comprehensive and veritable collection of over 7,000 books on and by Gandhiji. The subject matters and contents of these books are such that they can throw ...
People in the West generally hold that it is man's duty to promote the happiness - prosperity, that is of the greatest number. Happiness is taken to mean material happiness exclusively, that is, ...
The second of October returns once more reminding us of the person we all refer to as the father of the nation. But having immersed his ashes in the sangam and having paid tribute to him and proudly ...
Mahatma Gandhi had multifaceted personality. His aim in the life was to achieve enlightenment by serving his nation and man kind. He was born in India and so he was of the opinion that it was his ...
The aim of this paper is to discuss the causes of economic conflicts and expound the method of resolving them on Gandhian lines. At the outset, the definition and types of conflicts are given. The ...
Looking at the future of nonviolent action at the turn of the present century, described as the bloodiest one in history, may rightfully generate feelings of pessimism. Yet this otherwise the ...
Comprehensive website on Mahatma Gandhi developed and maintain by Gandhian Institutions : Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal & Gandhi Research Foundation ...