The Selden map of China is an early seventeenth century map showing the maritime trade routes in East Asia. It looks like a combination of a coloured Chinese landscape painting style map and a ...
Nottingham was renowned for its lace industry, and local museums – including Nottingham Trent University (NTU) – hold archives of Nottingham lace. The School of Art and Design was founded in 1843 to ...
This collaborative project is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology China. The consortium consists of eight teams from the UK and China, including research institute, universities and ...
The IDEO works with an extensive network of associates, visiting scholars and collaborators both within NTU and in the wider academic and practitioner community. The following are some of our ...
This area focuses on inclusive education, special needs education and learner engagement. The research is cross-disciplinary in nature drawing on approaches from educational research through to ...
This research group engages with creative and innovative approaches to contemporary critical theory and cultural studies with particular focus on film, media, arts, gender/sexuality, and ...
The Advanced Textiles Research Group (ATRG), formed by Professor Tilak Dias in 2010, is a thriving research group at Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham Trent University is a leading institution ...
The group’s research focuses on changes in psychological functioning in early-life development, ageing and age-related clinical conditions. The members’ current interests span visual perception, motor ...
Our work on perception, attention and memory includes theoretical work exploring time perception, attentional capture and control, spatial and temporal aspects of attention and the influence of ...
Uganda is the 13th most vulnerable country in the world to the effects of climate change, and the impact is felt most harshly by women, particularly women in poverty. At the global level, gender ...
The Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics group is run by Dr’s David Boocock and Clare Coveney and is part of the “omics”/biomarker discovery umbrella including the bioinformatics group in in the John van ...