To apply for Norwegian citizenship, Nordic citizens can now submit a 'simplified notification of citizenship for Nordic citizens' online. There is no need to book an appointment with the police.
In order to tell you how long you have to wait for an answer to your application, we ask you to answer a few questions. Most applications for a residence card which are handed in in Norway are ...
In order to tell you how long you have to wait for an answer to your application, we ask you to answer a few questions. Most applications for a residence card which are handed in in Norway are ...
Nordiske borgere kan nå levere forenklet melding om norsk statsborgerskap heldigitalt uten at det er krav om oppmøte hos politiet.
Informasjon om bosatte personer med midlertidig kollektiv beskyttelse, som returnerer til Norge etter lengre tids utenlandsopphold og/eller opphold i hjemlandet. Tillatelse om kollektiv beskyttelse ...
This overview explains the difference between different types of reception facilities available to both those seeking protection and those who have received a decision regarding their applications.
har søkt om kollektiv beskyttelse* siden februar 2022. 82 420 har fått innvilget kollektiv beskyttelse* hittil. 76 143 har gyldig kollektiv beskyttelse*. info Statistikken viser antall søknader om ...
In order to tell you how long you have to wait for an answer to your application, we ask you to answer two questions. If you need an answer from us, you must call or send an email to our information ...
Different rules apply regarding eligibility for Norwegian citizenship for people with residence permits in Norway, people with residence cards for family members of EU/EEA nationals, Nordic nationals ...
Some people can visit Norway without a visa, but most people from countries outside the EU/EEA must apply for a visitor visa.
Hvis du har fylt ut et skjema i Mine søknader Hvis du har fylt ut et søknadsskjema i Mine søknader, må du logge inn og gå til din søknad for å se din personlige sjekkliste. Sjekkliste for arbeidstaker ...