PhD Defense of W.P.J. Cox (UMC Utrecht/Kinderen) ...
Holmium-166 radioembolization in HCC: advances in personalized treatment ...
WICS and the ICS Diversity Committee are working to make the Department of Information and Computing Sciences a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone.
Approximately 10% of children with cancer have an underlying genetic predisposition. Identifying such a predisposition is important to enable surveillance to detect a new tumor early and sometimes ...
Roel Vermeulen investigates the impact of our environment on health, with a particular focus on the effects of air pollution and other environmental factors on well-being.
In 2025, two new researchers began their doctoral research within the Utrecht AI Labs. Evelien van der Laan, a data researcher with the police, has joined the Dutch Policelab AI (NPAI). Bob Kersten, a ...
Construction of the Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Facility is about to start. This is an important step toward achieving the ambition of a sustainable campus.
The Faculty of Medicine of Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht work together in the field of medical education, biomedical education and research. The various tasks are carried out in the UMC ...
The Green Office is the sustainability platform of Utrecht University. At the Green Office, fresh minds and hands from all corners of the university come together to support Utrecht University's ...
Op 17 januari 2025 gaf Hens Runhaar zijn oratie aan de Universiteit Utrecht, het officiële begin van zijn ambtstermijn als hoogleraar Sustainable Food System Governance.
Onderaardse ‘eilanden’: bastions in een wellicht minder turbulente wereld Prof. dr. Arwen Deuss Hoogleraar Structuur en samenstelling van de diepe Aarde ...
Roel Vermeulen onderzoekt de invloed van de omgeving op gezondheid, met bijzondere aandacht voor de effecten van luchtvervuiling en andere omgevingsfactoren op het welzijn van mensen.