The Berea City Schools Board of Education voted unanimously at its Feb. 18 regular business meeting to join the “Vouchers ...
The Texas House on Thursday filed a sweep of education bills including public school finance and school voucher proposals.
As the media focuses on Washington, D.C., state legislatures move measures to expand private school voucher programs, taking ...
State lawmakers are pledging $1 billion for families to use on tuition and other education costs. The number of beneficiaries ...
The proposed law, which now awaits Gov. Brad Little’s signature, would direct $50 million to students who do not attend ...
Gov. Greg Abbott and Speaker Dustin Burrows predict a school voucher bill will pass through the Texas House, which last year ...
Public school advocates oppose any plan resembling school vouchers saying such programs drain resources from the campuses ...
Texas PTA members are calling on lawmakers to address the teacher shortage, school funding, better mental health services for ...
Gov. Bill Lee will sign legislation designed to drastically expand school voucher access throughout the Volunteer State that ...
Families participating in the program could receive about 85% of the amount public schools collect for each attending student ...
ATLANTA (AP) — Two months of recalculating made little difference in a list of Georgia’s lowest performing schools, meaning ...
The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) created and published several versions of the school list.