The anime world just received an announcement of Twins Hinahima, an entirely AI-generated series by Kaka Technology Studio. As the first anime project that was created 95% through artificial ...
When Netflix dropped an anime short made with generative AI in February 2023, citing "labor shortages" as the reason, artists and users quickly replied with harsh criticism. According to a ...
KaKa Creation and Frontier Works opened a website on Friday to announce an anime project titled Twins Hinahima that is made using AI, with plans for the anime to release in spring 2025.
It’s not just anime, but the use of AI in any art field is often looked upon with heavy skepticism. Creating art requires talent and hard work, but the interference of technology is considered ...
Japanese AI tech firm Frontier Works and media distribution company KaKa Creation will release 95 percent AI-made anime, “Twins Hinahima.” The anime’s official website says artificial ...