The world-renowned three-day Jallikattu event in Tamil Nadu's Madurai kicked off on Tuesday, with Avaniyapuram village holding its first-day event which features 1,100 bulls and 900 bull-tamers.
Activists say the sport puts the players and the animals at risk At least five men in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu have been gored to death while watching a bull-taming contest known as ...
Madurai: The world-renowned three-day Jallikattu event in Tamil Nadu's Madurai kicked off on Tuesday, with Avaniyapuram village holding its first-day event which features 1,100 bulls and 900 bull ...
When Malayalam action film Jallikattu's director ... both Dubai-based Indian expats — that the movie, released in 2019, will reach the Oscars, they didn't quite believe him.
The highly anticipated Jallikattu festival in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, officially began on Tuesday, with the first-day event held at Avaniyapuram village. The event, which features a thrilling display ...
A controversial bull-taming festival has kicked off in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu with more than 12,000 bulls ...
After the State told the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court that the advisory committee of Avaniapuram jallikattu would comprise representatives of all the communities in Avaniapuram ...
With a steep rise in the daily cases of COVID-19, the district administration in Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Ranipet and Tirupattur, have banned the conduct of Jallikattu events, ahead of Pongal ...
The Jallikattu events of Madurai, particularly those in Alanganallur, are internationally recognised as a vibrant celebration of Tamil heritage and rural valour The Tribune, now published from ...