A new study demonstrates that certain incised stone artifacts from the Levantine Middle Paleolithic, specifically from Manot, Qafzeh, and Quneitra caves, were deliberately engraved with geometric ...
Publisher Xbox Game Studios and developers World’s Edge, Forgotten Empires, Tantalus Media, CaptureAge, and Virtuos will ...
Immortal Pillars brings a rebuilt version of the Chinese faction to Age of Mythology: Retold, and it's launching in March ...
Ancient Greek Vase Depicting Mother Aphrodite Disciplining Her Unruly Child With a Sandal Awes Researchers The interesting ...
Near the end of poet Maria Zoccola's "Helen of Troy, 1993," the book's titular protagonist addresses the "gods of difficult ...
It’s one of the most oft retold stories of Greek mythology. The beautiful Eurydice, beloved of the musician Orpheus, dies and ...
Nostalgia has become a defining trait for Millennials and Gen Z-ers. However, this concept has roots beyond the present to ancient Greece.
Ancient Greeks saw Olympus as a divine realm of Zeus and the gods, not a mountain. Its link to Mount Olympus emerged in later traditions.