“The database will utilise the NIN as a central identifier, allowing seamless integration with existing national structures,” Maidoki said, adding that it will improve the traceability and ...
It's anyone's guess what Cadillac's first-ever electric V series car will be, but we know the brand's performance sub-brand will pivot from the high-performance, gas-fed cars it's known for to EVs ...
The National Identification Number-Subscriber Identity Module (NIN-SIM) exercise has formally put the official telephone lines in Nigeria at 153.3 million, which is about a 30 per cent drop.
ZÁHREB. Približne tisíc žiakov základnej školy v chorvátskej metropole Záhreb v utorok bojkotovalo vyučovanie, pretože sa do školy vrátil deväťročný chlapec, ktorý spolužiakov šikanuje. Problémový ...