The BBC drama follows the exploits of the Special Air Service during World War Two, and the men of the unit who stood out ...
Rogue Squadron movie could breathe new life into Star Wars by exploring non-Jedi aspects of the galaxy. Audiences are growing ...
Theo Barklem-Biggs spoke exclusively with about the season's traumatic events for Reg Seekings.
SAS Rogue Heroes, which stars Theo Barklem-Biggs as Reg Seekings, shows the character struggling to come to terms with the ...
Yes, the majority of the characters in SAS Rogue Heroes are based on real people. The characters of Paddy Mayne, David Stirling, Bill Stirling, Reg Seekings, John Tonkin, Dudley Clarke are all writted ...
Storm and Doom, and Rogue and Magneto this week from Marvel Comics, as Doctor Doom embraces his Romani heritage (Spoilers) ...
The celebrated BBC TV series SAS Rogue Heroes has given momentum to a fresh campaign for Lt Col Robert Blair Mayne to be given the Victoria Cross.
Exclusive: As the hit show comes roaring back on to our TV screens, Matt Nixson takes a closer look at the real - and ...
Skeleton Crew works within the same framework, minus political critique, of course. It references next to nothing in the ...
RidgeTop: My virtual reality journey began in 2016. After seeing videos on what Oculus was cooking up with their early ...
The Savage Land #1 ahead of its debut in comic book stores this Wednesday and it shows the fan-favourite X-Men hero stranded ...