Saints from the Empire State aren’t as rare as you might think. Right on Fifth Avenue, the bronze doors of St. Patrick’s Cathedral provide some reminders Mother Cabrini. Elizabeth Ann Seton. These ...
A l’occasion de la réouverture de Notre-Dame, la chapelle de la Sainte-Enfance a pris le nom de chapelle Saint Paul Chen il y ...
Une figure spirituelle qui gagne à être connue, c'est sans doute pour cela que le pasteur Alain Pelissier nous invite à la ...
Trinidad born Etienne Charles is a performer, composer and storyteller, who is continuously searching for untold stories and sounds with which to tell them. His lush trumpet sound, varied ...
Dans le trésor de l’église Saint-Firmin actuelle, existe un reliquaire contenant les ossements de plusieurs saints, dont le fameux Firmin dans le ...
Withdrawing to the Holy City, he was baptized by Saint Modestus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and became a monk, receiving the new name of Anastasius. As he read the lives of the Saints and the accounts of ...
Violent rioters, loyal to President Donald Trump, storm the Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. AP On January 20, 2025, the “shock and awe” campaign of the Justice Department came to an end ...
Reflection on the painting Yesterday, we celebrated the feast of Saint Sebastian, and today we honour Saint Agnes (291-304 AD), another martyr who was killed in Rome during the persecution under ...
Son arrivée à l’AS Saint-Etienne serait même imminente. L’ASSE n’est pas seulement en négociations pour finaliser les dossiers avancés ou en phase de conclusion ; elle continue ...
12,316 women martyrs killed by Israeli forces. 1,155 medical staff, 94 Civil Defense workers , 205 journalists , and 736 police officers killed. 520 martyrs recovered from seven mass graves inside ...
Saint Fabien, fêté le 20 janvier, pape et martyr est réputé pour sa vie pure, équilibrée et bonne. Comptons sur la puissance de son intercession pour maintenir favorable ou améliorer notre ...