The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
This Texas city has struggled to develop a seawater desalination plant, but its efforts have lagged as thirsty industries arrive and drought persists.
An Oklahoma mother discovered her teen daughter was having “sexual conversations” with a 31-year-old man on Snapchat, police said. The man sending photos that were “sexual in nature” to the ...
The coastal city also has been trying for years to develop a seawater desalination plant, but its efforts have lagged as big, ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Lakeview Park on Holly Road has recently been the site of an unusual occurrence of dead tilapia ...
Daniel Verduzco is a Corpus Christi Police officer and is now charged in federal court with having sexual conversations with ...
A federal jury has convicted a 30-year-old Corpus Christi man of being a felon in possession of a firearm, announced U.S.
However, more water will be needed to satisfy their needs, but new board chairman Bryan Gulley is optimistic it will be there in the near future.
A Corpus Christi police officer has been arrested on federal charges of coercion and enticement following an investigation ...
The Wall That Heals, a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, will visit Laredo in April, offering families a chance to ...
After many Texas schools and colleges closed Tuesday due to winter weather, several have extended closures through Wednesday.
McNeese visits the Texas A&M-CC Islanders after Paris Guillory scored 22 points in the Cowgirls' 68-52 loss to the Lamar Cardinals ...