Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 animated hit, premiered exclusively in theaters on Nov. 27.
Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
A film worker is suing Disney for $10 billion, claiming the "Moana" franchise shares "breathtaking" similarities to work he ...
Discover the release date and streaming information for Moana 2, the highly anticipated sequel that has grossed over $911 ...
The sequel started life as a Disney+ show, so you'd be forgiven for thinking Moana 2 would be available to watch right now on the streaming service. However, it was given an exclusive cinema release.
Anime director Gensho Yasuda pleasantly surprised fans with the release of short features based on scenes from Moana 2. The shorts previously starred characters from the film, specifically Moana ...
Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 animated hit, premiered exclusively in theaters on Nov. 27, and fans eager to watch the film at home will likely have to wait until ...
Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 animated hit, premiered exclusively in theaters on Nov. 27, and fans eager to watch the film at home will likely have to wait until ...