AI tutors for every child? OpenAI's Altman predicts personalized learning, job market shifts and the dawn of the Intelligence ...
The Global South has surging demand for higher education, and widespread access to smartphones and AI, creating opportunities ...
However, nearly as many parents say they don't know whether or not AI is even part of their children's curriculum.
The emotional intelligence, empathy, and mentorship that teachers provide remain irreplaceable,' writes Coursera CEO Jeff ...
Advancements in artificial intelligence could transform how the workforce is trained and educated in the future. On Tuesday, ...
A Texas Tribune panel at UT Dallas discusses how AI can support, but not replace, human educators in higher education.
At Crosstown High, an XQ school in Memphis, Tennessee, computer science teacher Mohammed Al harthy sees AI as a partner in ...
You’ve probably heard the term “AI” being tossed around lately, but what exactly is it? The truth is, you’re likely using ...
While much has been made of artificial intelligence's promise to improve educational opportunities and outcomes, a group of ...
OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) now adopted in over 80 countries and with upwards of 200k students annuallyLead commercial ...
We have been evaluating a trial of AI in South Australian schools. Teachers acknowledge the risks but say it can reduce time ...