Glen Gould, left, and Justin Rain star in film, North Mountain. The film was written and directed by Indigenous filmmaker Bretten Hannam/Photo contributed An award-winning film by a Nova Scotia ...
Indigenous leaders in the Maritimes will decide in April whether it will move forward with a plan to create an Atlantic First Nations Water Authority. The Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation ...
Jerry Sack, 55, from Indian Brook First Nation, left, appeared in Shubenacadie Provincial Court Nov. 27 on drug trafficking charges/Photo by Stephen Brake A former chief of the Sipekne’katik Band in ...
Former NSNWA president Cheryl Maloney, right, has filed a human rights complaint against Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil/Photos by Stephen Brake The former president of the Nova Scotia Native Women ...
The clay tile mural, This Is What I Wished You Knew, was unveiled at the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre in Halifax June 21/Photo by Stephen Brake An art project which explores Indigenous ...
Madonna Bernard (Kukuwes Wowkis), left, Michael McDonald, centre, and supporters leave the Law Courts in Halifax on Oct. 28/Photo by Stephen Brake The lawyer (from this site) representing three ...
Sipekne'katik Councillor Jerry F. Sack testified in the Jeff Hayes fraud trial June 2, 2016/Photo by Stephen Brake The former chief of the Sipekne’katik Band said in court Thursday that he never ...
Mi’kmaq artist Leonard Paul has been drawing since he was three years old. His earliest childhood memory is of his mother coming home with a colouring book for him. “I can remember being on the ...
Delilah Saunders, left, and her sister, Loretta, in an updated photo. Delilah is upset one of her sister's killers is appealing her conviction/Photo contributed by Delilah Saunders The sister of slain ...
Bob Gloade was elected to a third term as Chief of Millbrook First Nation during an election Feb. 26./Photo by Stephen Brake Bob Gloade sought and got his third term as chief of the Millbrook First ...
Darlene Gilbert, right, testified as a survivor during Day 2 of MMIWG inquiry hearings in Membertou, N.S. on Tuesday/Photo by Stephen Brake More stories of pain, survival and seeking justice were ...
Chris LaPorte, electoral officer for Membertou, demonstrates how band members can vote in the upcoming referendum on the Family Homes Law/Photo by Stephen Brake The Membertou Band in Nova Scotia is ...