Winston Churchill’s quote that “Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms.…" could just as well be applied to market capitalism. As with democracy, for capitalism to ...
In fronting these demands leaders need a clear understanding of the various personal and organizational challenges they face. Research from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), the global ...
With the stream of pronouncements from Elon Musk and other tech-bros we are getting tired of entrepreneurs. Yet entrepreneurs and their company-based cousins intrapreneurs are critical to business ...
The newfound focus on employee wellbeing and happiness, by HR professionals and business leaders, is very welcome. Yet despite the enthusiasm it is not clear how much progress is being made or if ...
They all exemplify a human-centered approach at their core. In this enlightening interactive webinar participants explored how the English Premier League team leverages data to connect with their fans ...
Ita Dureke is EVP, EMEA at Mannaz A/S. She is a Chartered Business Psychologist with 22 years in management consulting. She is experienced in business development, project management, delivery and ...
Thom Dennis is the CEO of Serenity in Leadership Ltd, the culture remodelling, change and leadership specialists. He is an international speaker, voiceover actor and Amazon #1 published author and has ...
Kathryn Kernick leads CCL’s coaching business across Europe, having previously held General Management, Client Advisory, and Engagement Director roles. She brings 20+ years’ experience of partnering ...
Miro Kazakoff is a Senior Lecturer in Managerial Communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management where he focuses on how individuals use data to persuade others. At MIT, he developed MIT Sloan’s ...
Dr Wendy Shepherd is the Director of Individual and Organisational Impact at Cranfield Executive Development. She has an MBA and Executive Doctorate from Cranfield where her research interest was The ...