“You are like the glue between us,” this is how my role was described by one of the artists who came to our very first ...
ALA BØRA is more than an event. A vibrant gathering calling out to dreamers, like-minded souls, music lovers. Imagine it as an excessive playground combining the genre-fluid vibes from disco to house, ...
Wenn wir an Berlin als Reiseziel denken, gibt es einen Ort, der unweigerlich alle Arten von Besuchern anzieht. Egal, ob es deine Oma ist oder die coole Lady, die du in London kennengelernt hast, sie ...
The End of Brat Girl Summer is here and PANSY is bringing together all your favorite pop girlies for the dystopian dance ...
EEXXOO is a new series of events at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz that focuses on experimental electronic composition ...
DUCT TAPE - 2. Anniversary Show - Homecoming Kommt und feiert mit uns das zweijährige Jubiläum von DUCT TAPE! Macht euch ...
As the dust of the fallen Wall settled, Berlin was caught between decay and rebirth, where vacant spaces became playgrounds for creativity and subcultures thrived amid political chaos. “Träum Weiter — ...
Together with our partner Squarespace we invite artists of all genres to a networking event for the creative community in Berlin, happening on September 19th at 7 p.m. We have been hosting exhibitions ...
Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Squarespace laden wir Künstler:innen aller Genres zu einem Networking-Event für die kreative Community in Berlin ein, das am 19. September um 19 Uhr stattfindet. Wir ...
The Wilhelm Hallen saw their first ballroom take over last weekend for their Berlin Art Week kick-off and the art was shaking on the walls! The Cuntemporary Mini Kiki Ball hosted by Father Dante ...
Welcome to the MIXED EMOTIONS CLUB PRIDE 🌈 with Club Athleten and the Gang, for some sassy workouts, drag shows, dirty talks & sweaty dj sets hosted by Jazbazmaz Pizzazz ...
For the last years we have been working on a dream that represented a lot of hard work, motivation and love. Even in globally harder times, we kept on going to manifest our vision into this world. Now ...