As 2025 approaches, we looked at some of the top trends that shaped the U.S. sports media landscape this year.
During November, audiences in Mexico increased their streaming usage by 1.2 points compared to the previous month, accounting ...
In November, viewers in Poland spent an average of 4 hours and 4 minutes in front of their TV screens, which is 20 minutes ...
Disney topped the Media Distributor Gauge for a third consecutive month, leading all media companies with 11.1% of TV viewing in November. Moreover, Disney’s streaming footprint accounted for 43% of ...
Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics, announced that they are launching expanded capabilities in their Outcomes measurement suite.
NEW YORK – December 4, 2024 – Gracenote, the content solutions business unit of Nielsen, has announced the appointment of Bill Michels as Chief Product Officer. In this role, Bill is responsible for ...
뉴욕 - 2024년 12월 4일-닐슨의 콘텐츠 솔루션 사업부인 Gracenote가 최고제품책임자로 Bill Michels를 임명한다고 발표했습니다. Bill은 비디오, 스포츠, 음악 제품군을 성장시키고 주요 시장 확장 ...
NOVA YORK - 4 de dezembro de 2024-A Gracenote, a unidade de negócios de soluções de conteúdo da Nielsen, anunciou a nomeação de Bill Michels como Diretor de Produtos. Nessa função, Bill é responsável ...
Zbliżając się do Międzynarodowego Dnia Osób Niepełnosprawnych 3 grudnia, marki, reklamodawcy i platformy medialne stają w obliczu zmieniającego się krajobrazu w zróżnicowanym marketingu. Wraz ze ...
12月3日の国際障害者デーを目前に控え、ブランド、広告主、メディア・プラットフォームは、多様なマーケティングにおける状況の変化に直面している。政治的、経済的、社会的原動力が ...
Ao nos aproximarmos do Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência, em 3 de dezembro, as marcas, os anunciantes e as plataformas de mídia enfrentam um cenário de mudanças no marketing diversificado.
Menjelang Hari Penyandang Disabilitas Internasional pada tanggal 3 Desember, merek, pengiklan, dan platform media menghadapi pergeseran lanskap dalam pemasaran yang beragam. Dengan dinamika politik, ...