Sweida, SANA- Three children were martyred and three others were injured in a blast of a mine left behind by Daesh “ISIS” terrorists in al-Saqyiah village, Sweida northern countryside.
Damascus, SANA- Algerian Ambassador in Damascus Saleh Bosha has affirmed that his country stands by Syria in the face of all forms of terrorism, calling for supporting the exerted efforts to allow ...
Washington, SANA- US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said that protecting Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization and other terrorist organizations in Syria by the administration of President Donald Trump ...
Sochi, SANA – Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, said that the continued regional and international interference in Syrian affairs hinders the political ...
Homs, SANA – Clad in a green garment of forests and decorated with a brown bracelet of mountains, Kafram town, 50 km to the northwest of the central Homs province, is one of the most important ...
Hasaka, SANA- US helicopters evacuated foreign leaders of Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization from Tal al-Shayer area, about 20 km to the southeastern of al-Shadadi city in Hasaka province ...
Damascus, SANA -President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to the Australian SBS TV channel in which he criticized the double standards of the West- openly attacking the Syrian government ...
Damascus, SANA – Damascus is renowned to be the first city which gave birth to the art of glass blowing and the glass makers of Syria have a history as old as time. Glass-making goes back to ...
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad performed on Monday the prayers of Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) at Saad Ibn Muaz Mosque in Daraya city in Damascus Countryside. A number of ...
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the situation in Syria has improved dramatically because the terrorist groups, mainly ISIS and al-Nusra and like-minded groups who are ...
Tehran, SANA-Iranian President Hassan Rouhani affirmed during a meeting with Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hadiyeh Abbas that Iran will continue its support for Syria in combating terrorism ...
Deir Ezzor, SANA – A number of towns and cities in the Syrian al-Jazeera area are witnessing a popular uprising against the practices of Qasad (SDF) militia which is supported by the US ...