Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) - An exhibition to mark the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP) has opened on the premises of the Culture Ministry's hall in Bratislava and will run ...
The opposition's Christian Democrats (KDH) called on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to assume responsibility over the Health Ministry, as KDH vice-chair Viliam Karas believes that the ministry ...
Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) rejects criticism from coalition's SNS leader Andrej Danko and called his statements made on TA3 talk show earlier on Sunday untrue lies. Dolinkova added ...
Former head of caretaker government (2023) Ludovit Odor rejects accusations from coalition representatives, according to which the former caretaker cabinet is to blame for the unfavourable state of ...
Speaking on TA3's discussion programme 'V politike' (In Politics), SNS chair Andrej Danko declared that he yet wishes to discuss and revise the proposed consolidation package of measures, particularly ...
Chief of Slovak diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) has left for New York on Sunday, where, similarly as President Peter Pellegrini, he's slated to attend a session of the UN General Assembly, TASR ...
Speaking on STVR's discussion programme 'O 5 minut 12' (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky (Smer-SD) claimed that the governing coalition tried to embrace measures ...
Mimoriadne zasadnutie Hospodárskej a sociálnej rady SR sa uskutoční dnes, v pondelok 23. septembra o 10.30 h, Úrad vlády SR, zasadacia miestnosť č. 101 v Bratislave. Vstup novinárov na Úrad vlády SR j ...
Pozsony, szeptember 23. (TASR) - A Legfelsőbb Bíróság dönt Dora Ferenc ügyében, Alsóhatár (Dolný Chotár) volt polgármestere a Speciális Büntetőbíróság (ŠTS) vagyonelkobzásról szóló szeptemberi döntése ...
Bojnice 23. septembra (TASR) - Nemocnica s poliklinikou (NsP) Prievidza so sídlom v Bojniciach rozšírila svoje vybavenie o dvojicu nových prístrojov. Nový sonograf a prístroj na liečbu akútnej a chron ...
Prievidza 23. septembra (TASR) - Samospráva Prievidze pripravuje zmenu organizácie dopravy na komunikáciách dvojice ulíc na sídlisku Píly. Na Ulici F. Madvu a Ulici Š. Králika sa zmení obojsmerná prem ...
Košice 23. septembra (TASR) - Podujatie Deň zdravia sa v pondelok koná pred budovou Úradu Košického samosprávneho kraja (KSK) v Košiciach. Návštevníci si tam môžu dať zmerať tlak, cholesterol, zrak či ...