Each year, during Università Porte Aperte, presidents of degree courses or their delegates, accompanied by tutors, welcome freshmen: an opportunity to introduce the new cycle of university studies to ...
1, To access bachelor's and single-cycle master's degree programs, it is necessary to take an admission or assessment test: 2. For information regarding the topics and dates of the exam, it is ...
Here are the training opportunities for technical-administrative staff offered by partner universities abroad. For further information on other Staff week available: Imotion Erasmus staff week.
A team from the University of Padua, led by Paolo Villoresi, has developed a system to communicate with probes headed to Proxima Centauri B, using a solar sail propelled by a laser beam. The project ...
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The Programme supports actions, cooperation and tools consistent with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. In ...
The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI funds) are the instruments through which the European Union pursues its policies. The funds finance projects with the ultimate goal of creating jobs ...
Le borse post-dottorato Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie (MSCA - PF) sono erogate dalla Commissione europea per sostenere finanziariamente la mobilità internazionale e la formazione dei ricercatori in possesso ...
La Summer School WHY DO WE STUDY PLANTS? si propone di evidenziare il ruolo cruciale delle piante nei processi fisici, chimici, biologici e socio-culturali che sostengono la vita sulla Terra, con ...
La Summer School in "Sistemi industriali digitali e sostenibili" è stata progettata per approfondire temi di grande impatto come la digitalizzazione e le nuove tecnologie (Industria 4.0), la ...