In the last years the WADA has founded studies of our groups aiming to develop in vitro test systems for the structure independent identification of anabolic substances. Our test system is a stable ...
The detectability of erythropoiesis stimulating agent abuse is a major challenge on the way to a doping free sport. Despite existing tests, the detection of ESA abuse has proven to be very difficult.
The fatigue that accompanies prolonged exercise in most often ascribed to events occurring in the periphery (glycogen depletion, dehydration). Recent evidence, however, suggests that the central ...
To analyze biological samples using SomaLogic's proprietary SOMAscan™ proteomic assay with the objective of potential discovery of new biomarkers of hGH abuse. The services will be provided in ...
In addition to the increasing number of different recombinant erythropoietins (rhEPO) that are present on the market at the present time, peptide-mimetics of these hormones producing identical effects ...
There is a consensus in the international community that action must be taken against those behind-the-scene individuals who propagate and facilitate doping in sport. The first step must be to ...
This project will assist in establishing an analytical laboratory for testing nutritional supplements to detect prohibited substances such as steroids, stimulants and other performance-enhancing drugs ...
The study was conducted based on the WADA's interest in conducting an excretion study with trimetoquinol in order to determine the possibility of establishing a reporting threshold for this substance ...
The research group of N. Leuenberger. J. Saugy, R. B. Mortensen, P. J. Schatz. S. Giraud and M. Saugy has demonstrated the detection or Hema tide™ (OMONTYS.., in anti-doping samples. This approach 1s ...