The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
A few first-look stills of the CGI recreations have now been released by the BBC, including two species – the Albertosaurus ...
The fizzy, determinedly upbeat documentary charts how Liza Minnelli survived Hollywood. It’s inspiring, jaw-dropping and conspicuously incomplete.
The Lost Music of Auschwitz' and 'The Last Musician of Auschwitz' air in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the camp where more than 1.1 million people lost their lives.
EXCLUSIVE: EverWonder Studio, the company that produced Netflix’s Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight, is making some big-name hires. The business, which was founded by former Time exec Ian Orefice and ...
Often, these peeks are just brief glimpses, and much of the knowledge we have about how soaps are made are from people involved talking about it, rather than it being shown. But that’s about to change ...
Join us as we honor the rich history and contributions of African Americans during Black History Month. Our special television programming lineup features a collection of powerful historical ...
A documentary on drug abuse will be shown on Thursday, January 23rd at the Spotlight Cinemas Capital 8 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Live' music documentary 'Ladies & Gentlemen… 50 Years of SNL Music' trailer features Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa, Mick Jagger, and more.
British filmmaker Asif Kapadia, an Oscar winner with “Amy,” will be the opening speaker of the 23rd edition of the industry program of documentary festival Visions du Réel in Nyon, Switzerland. The ...
"Americans with No Address" and "No Address" present an unvarnished look at the pervasive issues of mental health, addiction to substances like fentanyl and alcohol, and their significant impact on ...
Matt Wolf talks about his Sundance doc 'Pee-wee as Himself,' his attempts to gain Paul Reubens' trust and completing the doc after Reubens' death.