Newark Liberty International Airport RailLink Station NJ Transit Amtrak P4 Ñ ToTrenton, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Ï To Newark, New York City and Boston FSI TYMJW UTNSYX 8TZYM and other points North 15min Short-term Parking A Short-term Parking B Short-term Parking C Terminal C
1 1 9 9 1 9 Terminal C Terminal A Terminal B ly ing arage P4 Carson Road Free Cell one t Lot hort-Term ing C hort-Term ing B Economy Long-Term ing P6 le minutes)
Any comments relating to the online booking system or the Port Authority’s facilities should be made in writing to: Parking Customer Service, Newark Liberty International Airport, 70 Brewster Road, Newark, NJ 07114 or via email at
We will need details of which airport/parking lot you used, when you entered and exited the parking lot, your license plate number, and any back up documentation you may have, such as parking tickets, receipts, or online booking documentation.
When you travel through Newark Liberty International Airport, how to you typically reach the airport and your destination? (Select all that apply.) ☐ Rental Car ☐ AirTrain/NJ Transit ☐ Bus/Shuttle ☐ Taxi or Ride-share (Uber, Lyft, Via, etc.) ☐ Personal Vehicle
To ensure continued operations and maintain a state of good repair, major roadway work on the terminal frontage bridges of Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) will commence on the evening of March 6, 2023, weather permitting, to repair and …