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osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
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osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
beatmap listing - osu!
Beatmaps Listing
wiki | osu!
Being the guide to the world of rhythm, beats, and flashes, osu! has a lot to present. Get to know the game better from its various settings and customisation capabilities to technical details and file formats it uses.
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打开 osu!,然后点击主页右侧的 osu!direct 按钮。 找一个你想玩的乐曲。 双击列表内的乐曲或点击右边的 Download 按钮来下载它。
wiki | osu!
osu! 的谱面都是充满活力的社区内玩家们的智慧结晶,想与大家分享你喜欢的歌却不知道从何下手? 来学习一下如何使用游戏内的谱面编辑器吧。
search - osu!
osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
教程指南 / 新手教程 · wiki | osu!
不管你是想寻找提升职业生涯高度的动力;想在 osu! 中更有竞争力;还是只想沉浸在游戏之中,这篇教程都是为你量身定做的! 它涵盖了你在 osu!
performance · rankings - osu!
osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
beatmap packs - osu!
Installation: Once a pack has been downloaded, extract the contents of the pack into your osu! Songs directory and osu! will do the rest.